
Hi there! This blog is my way of letting everyone know what meshes I'm doing. Visit me here at the Sims Resource and ts2creations!

Mesh Addict! I love to make clothing meshes for Sims 2! I will post previews of most if not all of my creations. Most of them are published at Ts2creations & www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Grizzelda/

30 March 2008

New Meshes and Recolors!

I've uploaded the following meshes to be published at TSR. The first is published already and the next will be published Monday the 31st. The third will be published on the 7th or 8th (I can't remember which.) and the fourth will be published the following week. I hope to keep things going like this, but I'm starting a class and I'm not sure if I will have the time to upload. If I don't then I will be disappointed, but I'm sure I'll come back to it as always!

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Ruffled Rump Shaker

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I've been gluten free for 3 years now. It's been a tough road, but one I've committed to because of my health. I want to share the tricks that I've learned (and am still learning)for dealing with this reality.