
Hi there! This blog is my way of letting everyone know what meshes I'm doing. Visit me here at the Sims Resource and ts2creations!

Mesh Addict! I love to make clothing meshes for Sims 2! I will post previews of most if not all of my creations. Most of them are published at Ts2creations & www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Grizzelda/

08 October 2006

Sorry for the lack of posts.

I've been busy in real life and haven't had the time to create and blog. I've barely created anything in the last couple of weeks. I'm writing that tutorial for Buntah's site. Look for it soon. Also, I've sent Suzy a new set for teens to go up at TS2creations.

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Ruffled Rump Shaker

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I've been gluten free for 3 years now. It's been a tough road, but one I've committed to because of my health. I want to share the tricks that I've learned (and am still learning)for dealing with this reality.