
Hi there! This blog is my way of letting everyone know what meshes I'm doing. Visit me here at the Sims Resource and ts2creations!

Mesh Addict! I love to make clothing meshes for Sims 2! I will post previews of most if not all of my creations. Most of them are published at Ts2creations & www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Grizzelda/

29 April 2006

Week End YAY!!!

Monday through Friday I work from 630 am (sometimes earlier depending on the amount of stuff I have to get done) to 3 pm (sometimes later depending on how many guest issues kept me from getting my stuff done!)
I then drive through Seattle traffic to my home. This drive take me 10-15 minutes in the am. In the afternoon it CAN take considerably longer depending on how late I leave.
Lately I've had no energy when I get home. I barely take lunch breaks at work. Yesterday I went into my bedroom to change out of my work clothes and couldn't resist laying down for just a second. I woke up at 8am this morning.
So, today I mesh. I've got to go back and look through the requests I've recieved lately. I think Cloissone has a request--but it seems like I have more on the list.

I really do like getting mesh requests. So, if any of you have mesh requests, please ask away. I make no promises, but if it's interesting I'll do it!

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Ruffled Rump Shaker

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I've been gluten free for 3 years now. It's been a tough road, but one I've committed to because of my health. I want to share the tricks that I've learned (and am still learning)for dealing with this reality.