
Hi there! This blog is my way of letting everyone know what meshes I'm doing. Visit me here at the Sims Resource and ts2creations!

Mesh Addict! I love to make clothing meshes for Sims 2! I will post previews of most if not all of my creations. Most of them are published at Ts2creations & www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Grizzelda/

22 July 2006


The first set is at TSR. The second mesh and set are at ts2creations. And Buntah at Linda's Sims 2 has already recolored the second mesh!

Oregon was fabulous. I came back to a mess at work though so I've been tired when I get home. All my spare time has been spent relaxing doing some meshes or sleeping!!

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Ruffled Rump Shaker

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I've been gluten free for 3 years now. It's been a tough road, but one I've committed to because of my health. I want to share the tricks that I've learned (and am still learning)for dealing with this reality.